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Texas SkillsUSA is a non-profit Youth organization which facilitates Trade and Industry Education, enhances curriculum and involves all students. Students develop essential skills such as communication and teamwork. They also gain a competitive edge in the work force.

In addition, SkillsUSA teaches the importance of developing leadership skills, positive attitudes and pride in workmanship. Texas SkillsUSA students associate schoolwork with real work. Texas SkillsUSA prepares students for employment by introducing them to corporate quality culture. Texas SkillsUSA emphasizes respect for the dignity of work, high standards in trade ethics, superior workmanship, quality and safety.

All students will have to opportunity to join and participate in SkillsUSA.  On the local level we will participate in community service activities such as food drives, toy drives, etc.   This allows the students to learn about their community and the needs of the community.  This also allows students to make contacts in the community that will be valuable to them after graduation. 

On district, state and national level they will have the opportunity to compete in skills and leadership contests.  This helps to build strength in character, self-esteem, and confidence that will help them to excel and become productive in society.

Sponsor Contact Information

Phone: 409-729-7644 Ext. 142


Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Darlene Mills
